If you feel that you don't have enough time or patience to view a majority of these videos, I have bolded one must-see in each category. If you are in less of a rush, also view the entries immediately above and below each of them.
Human Nature [1h10m40]
04m26 Climate Change Debate
09m53 Conformity
03m58 How to Save Earth From Us
12m45 Moon Hoax Not
09m30 Open-Mindedness
17m35 Spaghetti Sauce
06m33 Vaccines and Autism
06m00 Will Mankind Destroy Itself?
Internet Stupidity Providers [2h20m]
25m 1996 Telecommunications Act
16m AT+T: Lies Against Humanity
03m Dan Bull: David Cameron
05m EC8x02: Net Neutrality
10m How to VPN
30m The Internet Must Go
13m Preventing Cable Co. Fuckery
38m Verizon Wants to Kill the Net
Epic Meal Time Top 10 [0h53m01]
02m00 Meat Salad
07m47 Maximum Mac and Cheese
05m25 The Gentleman's Episode
06m30 Fast Food Chinese Food
02m55 Next Level Pies
05m05 BBQ Coliseum
04m02 Boss Bacon Burger
04m05 Breakfast Lasagna
05m17 Hotdog Casserole
03m20 100LB Chocolate Bar
03m22 Dishwasher Lasagna
03m13 Breakfast Meta-Burrito
YouTube, am I right? [0h14m08]
02m00 Free Car Giveaway
00m57 How To Tern on Your Computor
08m07 Welcome to YouTube
03m04 Your Grammar Sucks, Vol.35
Mind Expansion Pack [2h36m01]
05m20 A House Divided
09m00 Atheists SECRETLY Believe!
06m00 Betting on Infinity
09m50 The Book of Job, Pt.2
09m15 ED2x5B: Personal Relationship
09m55 ED3x0: New Way of Seeing God
10m00 ED3x1: Definitions
15m00 ED3x3Ca: A History of God
10m51 Irreducible Complexity
10m00 Lack of Belief in Gods
10m00 Putting Faith in its Place
09m45 The Quiz Show
12m54 Religion: The Bad Parent
09m56 Superstition
07m45 Why Didn't Anybody Tell Me?
10m30 Why Don't We Fear Hell?
Hot Science Injection [0h20m44]
04m22 Chromosome #2
01m56 Evolution in Two Minutes
10m08 I Know More Than God
04m18 You Can't Trust Science?
Informative/Fascinating [2h04m29]
04m16 EC5x12: Ozymandias
05m47 EC6x11: Toxicity
05m20 EC6x17: Used Games
05m30 EC7x13: Incentive/Politics
11m33 CRTs for Retro Gaming
07m00 How Durable Are Cartridges?
32m54 Is the Industry Crashing?
04m00 Missile Command Retrospective
17m52 Reasons to Switch to PC
10m20 ROM City Rampage
17m07 Tragedy and Game Violence
02m50 Violent Video Games
Minecraft Commentary [9h07m24]
27m30 Chronohawk Plays Flatcore
29m40 Coe's Quest, Ep.144
17m55 Special Guest Rovurr
36m45 VB2x40: Castle Demolition
1h23m Nebris vs Canada
22m46 OOG: Legendary, Pt.38
29m19 OOG: Legendary, Pt.64
20m27 OOG: Sea of Flame II, Pt.15
3h21m RFW: 4200G
33m54 Super Duper Hardcore
25m00 Dwarves vs Zombies
20m08 UHC 14 - Another Dimension
Vlogging! [0h55m21]
01m32 TV Show Ideas
02m51 Travavelvlog
01m08 Wisdom
03m45 Vermont
02m10 Holiday Season
01m55 Future of Social Networking
02m17 Oscar Porno God
02m24 Untimely Ripped
04m23 The 2012 Election
02m49 About Baby Killing
02m00 Sex Advice
05m14 What The Cops Are Doing
05m00 Is Heaven a Place?
05m16 Stop John Green?
09m25 Fuck This Week
04m12 February
Human Society [1h29m50]
06m20 American Drug War
07m09 American Violence
09m10 Free Expression
04m04 How To Be Alone
06m50 Illusion of Superiority
04m00 Internet and Memory
12m02 Nuclear Explosion Timelapse
05m43 Olympic Feats of Ignorance
03m12 Swiss Gun Law
17m40 The VICE Guide to the DPRK
09m25 We Need Metric
04m15 What is Liberty?
Pets and Animals [0h26m57]
01m28 A Dog Doing Dog Stuff
06m25 An Engineer's Guide to Cats
02m30 Gecko vs Praying Mantis
03m32 Jumping Crocodiles
02m45 Meanwhile in Slovenia
02m17 Okunoshima in Winter
04m00 Sniper Pug
04m00 True Facts: Armadillo
Best of Fredryk Phox [1h27m00]
12m12 The Albino Blacksheep Video
12m00 Ebaum: The Eric Bauman Story
10m08 Ebaum 3: Fall of Eric Bauman
01m20 Fredryk Noir
08m44 Fun After Anthrocon
02m35 The Metropolis of Greenville
05m35 Summer Cabin
06m20 True the Eff Outta That
05m00 TV Watches Kids
03m26 Typical Friday Night
03m40 Ventriliowhat
16m00 Walmart in Johnson City II
Best of Technology! [3h37m29]
10m46 1994 IBM ThinkPad 360C
03m08 ASCII Fluid Dynamics
05m29 Dialing In With A Tandy
10m57 IBM PC 30th Anniversary
02m35 Internet in 1993
09m00 Internet Story
12m00 Mechanical Keyboard Guide
07m00 Old Computers Did It Better
07m14 Short Program Music, Vol.3
07m25 Simulated EAS Nuclear Attack
01m55 Things Smartphones Replaced
2h20m Xerox Star Final Demo
This list filled up, and because I want to maintain the arbitrary divisibility by four, I will not be expanding it here. To see the videos created after July 2014 which I recommend, go here:
Opinions may be harmful or fatal if swallowed.