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Bytemoth NOW!

Last updated at exactly 11:54:05 PM UTC

This is a Now page. Make one some time.

Hey Bytemoth, whatcha doin'?

I have lived in the same house for 1530 days! (High score: 1394)

Bytemoth is...


...for mental health reasons, strongly considering upgrading the "don't watch annoying shitheads" rule to a "don't watch videos about annoying shitheads" rule, thereby ignoring all political content.
...removing accounts, cartriges, and devices from his life that are unused or could otherwise be made redundant.
...switching from Gen2 Core and AM3+ based systems to Gen4 Core and AM4.
Fascinated by technology
...rapidly absorbing information about Stable Diffusion, KoboldAI LLM/GPT, and text-to-speech engines. Yall seeing this shit? It's wild. (on hold)
...rapidly installing and testing Linux desktop environments.


Celebrating Website Wednesdays
...uploading the progress made on CD5K, the Brook, and MothZone every week (approximately).
Current task: Setting up a VPS to host CD5K. Considering if server administration is too tedious to deal with.
Expanding the Collection
...picking up XBOX/360 and PS3/4 games while they're still cheap, and softmodding or emulating everything else.


Plundering the Archive(.org)
...gathering GIFs and scripts from Geocities homepages to give his sites an authentic 1997 aesthetic.
Perusal progress: 320/951
...catching up on webcomics, which he abruptly stopped reading in July 2015, to get some inspiration for his own stories.
Recently finished: Boxdog


Making Cheddar? up on taking surveys, watching ads, and using cashback and passive sites to earn gift cards because it's too damn tedious.
Current task: Purging and phasing out remaining auxiliary phone.
Growing Lemons?
...gathering ideas and generating outlines for erotic writing projects.
Lewdfic ideas: 324+
...sitting around doing a whole lot of nothing with all this equipment and software that could make reviews and playthroughs.

But Bytemoth, what'd ya do today? (Updates every now and then, sometimes)

website counter people also feel like half an underachiever trying to do the work of two hypercompetent coffee-drinkers.

[Play]Play "Elton John - I'm Still Standing" MIDI?
[Stop]Stop MIDI playback?
[Listen]Listen to "Elton John - I'm Still Standing" on YouTube?

[Nav]In too deep? Perhaps you could use a Roadmap.
[Light]Too hard to read? Adjust the background!
