CD5K > FU > DWB > fab > juststfu
Can I not get five minutes of people shutting the hell up?
Living here is slowly driving me crazy. Between the pets and the extended family, the eccentricities of these people is proving to be not only a major distraction, but a relief in that I am thankful I am nowhere near this hostile and argumentative.
It started with one asking the other if he could take his cup to a kitchen because he was on his way there anyway. The other's hands were full. It would have stopped there and been a non-issue, but she had to step in, dragging it out for five minutes longer than it should've gone on. Because the other adamantly refuses to walk away from an argument at a loss, it quickly escalated into a screaming match. He went upstairs at my advice, at which point she began to bitch out the first.
I recall her saying that it shouldn't be a big deal like this, to which I wish I could have replied that she was the one making it into a big deal. But, I must tolerate them for the sake of my social life and career, so I didn't. While it is still aggrevating to hear arguments about stupid crap on a near-daily basis, they would likely think of me as smug and proud if I decided to join in their logic dick-waving contests.
I don't know what affliction it is that makes her able to see every speck of dust or minor imperfection from thirty feet away and question everyone's thinking processes but hers, but I wonder if it has a cure.
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